[Tokusatsu] Kamen Rider Gotchard: Episode 45 "A Fateful Encounter, a Junction of Love and Hate!" Synopsis – The Fate of Kajiki'...
The 45th episode of the Reiwa Kamen Rider series, "Kamen Rider Gotchard" (airs every Sunday at 9:00 AM on T...
【Tokusatsu】 Brush of the God: The Making of Analog Special Effects
A behind-the-scenes look at the analog special effects techniques packed into the movie "Brush of the God,"...
The sixth Reiwa Kamen Rider series is "Kamen Rider Gavv": The first ever to transform using the power of candy, with the basic ...
Starting with "Kamen Rider Zero-One" in the Reiwa era, followed by "Kamen Rider Saber," "Kamen Rider Revice...
"Fuuto PI" Movie Adaptation Confirmed: "Portrait of Kamen Rider Skull" to be Depicted, with Kenjiro Tsuda as Sokichi Narumi; "N...
The manga "Fuuto PI," which began serialization in "Weekly Big Comic Spirits" in August 2017 as the direct ...