[Pokémon] Episode 67 Synopsis and Scene Cuts Released: Liko Battles Roy! The Elite Four Watching Over...
The synopsis and scene cuts for Episode 67 of the popular anime "Pokémon" (officially abbreviated as AniPok...
"Pokémon" Releases New Footage and Announces Additional Cast: Misato Fukuen as Carmine, Yu Shimamura as Briar, and Marika Kohno...
The latest footage of the popular anime "Pokémon" (official abbreviation: AniPoke; airs on TV Tokyo every F...
New Pokémon Anime "POKETOON" to Be Released for 8 Consecutive Weeks, Featuring Artists like LustQueen
The Pokémon Company announced that the latest installment of the Pokémon anime series, "POKETOON," will be ...
[Pokémon] Episode 66 Synopsis and Scene Cuts Released: Crisis at Naranja Academy! A Certain Operation Begins...
The synopsis and scene cuts for Episode 66 of the popular anime "Pokémon" (officially abbreviated as AniPok...
'Pokémon' Introduces New Porygon Merchandise: Neon-Style LED Light and More! Life-Sized Plush Also Available
The Pokémon Company has announced that it will release a new line of "Night Arcade" merchandise at Pokémon ...
[Pokémon] Episode 66 Synopsis and New Chapter Begins, Subtitled "Rayquaza Rising" - Introducing Carmine, Perrin, and Briar!
The popular anime Pokémon (official abbreviation: AniPoke, airs on TV Tokyo every Friday at 6:55 PM) is ent...
[Pokemon] Actor Hidetoshi Nishijima Shares Funny Pikachu Cake Photo, Recalls His Detective Pikachu Role
On September 12, popular Japanese actor Hidetoshi Nishijima (53) updated his Instagram with a surprising tw...
[Pokémon] Episode 65 Synopsis and Scene Cuts Released: Pokémon: Lico and Amethio Trapped in a Cave
The synopsis and scene cuts for Episode 65, titled "Rico and Amethio", of the popular anime Pokémon (offici...
[Pokémon] Pokémon Center Nagoya Reopens October 12 with Exclusive Nagoya-Themed Merchandise and Komeda Coffee Collaboration
The official Pokémon merchandise store Pokémon Center Nagoya is set to reopen on October 12th with a fresh ...
[Pokémon Japanese Crafts] Pokémon x Crafts Exhibition: Venusaur, Shaymin, and Jolteon Artworks Unveiled for Tokyo Event
The Azabudai Hills Gallery will host the "Pokémon x Crafts Exhibition—Discovering Beauty and Technique" fro...
[Pokémon] Pokémon LED Lampent Light with Iron Stand: Pre-Order Now for a Stylish Home Addition
The Pokémon Center will release the "Flickering Flame LED Lampent Light" on September 7th.
[Pokémon] Episode 64 Synopsis and Scene Cuts Released: Spinel Monitors Liko as the Explorers Close In
The synopsis and scene cuts for Episode 64 of the popular anime "Pokémon" (officially abbreviated as AniPok...
[Pokémon] Episode 63 Synopsis and Scene Cuts Released: Chilling Eyes of Gym Leader Grusha! Liko Faces Her Ice Challenge
The synopsis and scene cuts for the 63rd episode of the popular anime Pokémon (officially abbreviated as An...
[Collaboration] Pokémon x ENHYPEN Collaboration Returns: Adorable Interaction with Pikachu Featured in New Music Video
The seven-member Korean group ENHYPEN has released a remix version of their song "One and Only," titled "On...
[Pokémon] New Moon-Viewing Themed Pokémon Goods Released: Clefairy Glow-in-the-Dark Cushion & Buneary Mug
New Pokémon merchandise featuring Clefairy and Buneary with a moon-viewing theme will be available at Pokém...
[Pokémon] Pokémon Toasted Hot Sandwich Makers: New Kitchen Items Released by "BRUNO"
On the 23rd, BRUNO, a company known for planning and selling interior goods and lifestyle products, announc...
[Nintendo] Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp to End Service on November 29 After 7 Years of History
The game Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp will officially end its service on November 29, 2024, as announced on...
[Pokémon TCG] New Pokémon TCG Game "Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket" Launching in October
On August 19, new information about the popular Pokémon series was revealed. A new smartphone game titled P...
[Pokémon TCG] Next Pokémon World Championships to Be Held in Anaheim, USA – San Francisco Announced for 2026
Pokémon WCS 2025 will be held in Anaheim, USA, and Pokémon WCS 2026 is set to take place in San Francisco, ...
[Pokémon TCG] New Pokémon TCG Trailer Released: Lillie's Clefairy, N's Zoroark, and Marnie's Grimmsnarl Make an Appearance
A new trailer for the Pokémon Trading Card Game titled "Trainer's Pokémon" has been released.