[New Anime] "The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World to Air as an Anime in January Next Year – PV Released, Produ...
The manga The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World is set to be adapted into a TV anime, sched...
[New Anime] Sora Amamiya Joins 'Medaka Kuroiwa Is Impervious to My Charms' as Asahi Shonan - New PV Released
Additional cast and PV for the TV anime "Medaka Kuroiwa Is Impervious to My Charms" have been revealed. Sor...
[Voice Actor] "Hikaru Tono Unveils Stunning Swimsuit Photos: Four Cover Cuts for Her First Photo Book Revealed"
Voice actress Hikaru Tono, known for her roles as Machikane Tannhauser in the popular content "Uma Musume P...
[Voice Actor] Akari Kito's New Photo Book Features Lingerie & Bikini Shots! Revealing Bare Skin: "Heart-Throbbing" and "Amazing"
The covers of the standard and Amazon limited editions of popular voice actress Akari Kito's anniversary ph...
[MHA Movie] "My Hero Academia: YOU'RE NEXT" Surpasses ¥370 Million ($2.57 Million) Box Office on Opening Day
On the 3rd, a commemorative stage greeting was held in Tokyo for the fourth theatrical installment of the a...
[Voice Actor] Akari Kito Reveals Covers for Final Photo Book of Her Twenties: 'Akari no Mama' - Radiant and Dreamlike Shots Unv...
The covers for voice actress Akari Kito's "Akari Kito Anniversary Photo Book: Akari no Mama" (to be release...
[18th Volume Released] SAKAMOTO DAYS Live-Action Movie Released! Starring Saori Izawa in Intense Action Scenes
To commemorate the release of the latest 18th volume of the manga "SAKAMOTO DAYS" on the 2nd, the live-acti...
[New Anime] SAKAMOTO DAYS Unveils Additional Cast and PV Featuring Nobunaga Shimazaki, Ayane Sakura, Nao Toyama, Hina Kino, and...
The upcoming TV anime 'SAKAMOTO DAYS' (set to air on TV Tokyo next January) has announced additional cast m...
[Voice Actor] Kenichi Suzumura Resumes Work Gradually Considering His Health Condition
Voice actor Kenichi Suzumura, who had been on hiatus due to health issues since May, has resumed work, acco...
[Mononoke] Hiroshi Kamiya Shares Behind-the-Scenes Stories of 'Mononoke' Movie - "I Let the Art Shine Through the Action Scenes"
On the 27th, a special stage greeting was held in Tokyo to celebrate the release of the new anime movie "Mo...
[Surprise] New 'Mononoke' Movie Sequel 'Hinezumi' Set for March Release
The new film "Mononoke: Chapter Two - Hinezumi" from the TV anime "Mononoke" is set to be released on March...
[Voice Actors] Farewells to Iconic Voices: Notable Voice Actor Deaths of 2024 in Showa and Heisei Anime
This year has seen a series of tragic losses of voice actors who have brightened the anime scenes of the Sh...
[Obituary] Voice Actress Keiko Yamamoto Passes Away at 83 Due to Sepsis - Known for 'Sazae-san,' 'Chibi Maruko-chan,' 'Tensai B...
Voice actress Keiko Yamamoto passed away on April 18 due to sepsis at the age of 83. Her agency, Aoni Produ...
[Disney] Disney Unveils Japanese Teaser Poster for "Moana 2" Featuring a Grown-Up Moana
Disney Animation Studios has released the Japanese teaser poster for "Moana 2," set to be released on Decem...
[Trailer] "Mononoke Movie: Karakasa" Action PV Released – Exorcising Sword in Action
The latest PV for the completely new "Mononoke Movie: Karakasa," which premieres on July 26, has been relea...
[MHA Movie Premiere] Kenta Miyake Discusses Returning to His Roots for Dual Roles in the New Movie
Voice actor Kenta Miyake attended the Japan premiere of the fourth My Hero Academia film, "My Hero Academia...
[New Anime] Orb: On the Movements of the Earth' Anime Premieres in October
The TV anime 'Orb: On the Movements of the Earth' is set to air starting in October on NHK. The PV and cast...
[MHA Movie Premiere] Meru Nukumi Ecstatic Over Dream Role in My Hero Academia Movie; Reveals Favorite Character
Model and actress Meru Nukumi, known as "Meruru," attended the Japan premiere of the fourth My Hero Academi...
[MHA Movie Premiere] Miyano Mamoru Exudes "Star Quality" at My Hero Academia Movie Event; Audience in Stitches Over Spoiler-Fre...
Voice actor Miyano Mamoru attended the Japan premiere of the fourth My Hero Academia movie, "My Hero Academ...
[MHA Movie Premiere] My Hero Academia Voice Actor Nobuhiko Okamoto Delighted by 'Kacchan' Nickname
Voice actor Nobuhiko Okamoto attended the Japan premiere of the fourth My Hero Academia film, 'My Hero Acad...