[Pokémon] Episode 66 Synopsis and Scene Cuts Released: Crisis at Naranja Academy! A Certain Operation Begins...
The synopsis and scene cuts for Episode 66 of the popular anime "Pokémon" (officially abbreviated as AniPoke, airing on TV Tokyo every Friday at 6:55 PM) have been released for the new series.
In Episode 66, after completing their Terastal training, Liko and her friends return to Naranja Academy. To deepen their friendships, they decide to have battles among the trainees. Gym Leaders also visit the academy, and the venue is buzzing with excitement! At that moment, Dot's Rotom Phone receives a call from Penny... Behind the trainee battles, a certain operation is underway!?
The current series follows the adventures of the dual protagonists, Liko and Roy, as they embark on a journey across the entire Pokémon world, seeking to "discover" something important.
Episode 66 Synopsis
After battling Grusha, Liko is disappointed to learn that she failed her practical test. To lift her spirits, Roy and Dot invite her to climb Mount Nappe, the highest peak in Paldea and one of the "Ten Wonders of Paldea." However, Spinel from the Explorers is secretly watching them...