The stage production Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Super Live, based on the iconic manga Sailor Moon, is set to premiere in London in February 2025 for a long-run engagement. This marks the latest evolution of the series, with a new creative team and an updated cast of Sailor Guardians.
The stage production Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Super Live will premiere in London, February 2025. (C) Naoko Takeuchi/PNP/“Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon” The Super Live Production Committee 2025
A Fresh Creative Vision
For the London performances, the production will be reimagined with:
Script, Lyrics, and Direction: Kaori Miura
Choreography: Satomi Touma
Music: Go Sakabe and KYOHEI
The show blends dynamic dance, cutting-edge visuals, and special effects for an exhilarating experience that differentiates it from traditional musicals. The fast-paced structure alternates between performance and live music segments, bringing Sailor Moon's story to life in an innovative way.
Cast Highlights
The London production will feature a talented new cast portraying the beloved Sailor Guardians and their allies:
Sailor Moon/Usagi Tsukino: Yui Yokoyama
Sailor Moon/Usagi Tsukino: Yui Yokoyama From The stage production Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Super Live will premiere in London, February 2025. (C) Naoko Takeuchi/PNP/“Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon” The Super Live Production Committee 2025
Sailor Mercury/Ami Mizuno: Yui Oikawa
Sailor Mercury/Ami Mizuno: Yui Oikawa From The stage production Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Super Live will premiere in London, February 2025. (C) Naoko Takeuchi/PNP/“Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon” The Super Live Production Committee 2025
Sailor Mars/Rei Hino: Marisa Yasukawa
Sailor Mercury/Ami Mizuno: Yui Oikawa From The stage production Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Super Live will premiere in London, February 2025. (C) Naoko Takeuchi/PNP/“Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon” The Super Live Production Committee 2025
Sailor Jupiter/Makoto Kino: Rio Tachibana
Sailor Jupiter/Makoto Kino: Rio Tachibana From The stage production Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Super Live will premiere in London, February 2025. (C) Naoko Takeuchi/PNP/“Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon” The Super Live Production Committee 2025
Sailor Venus/Minako Aino: Yuko Nakanishi
Sailor Venus/Minako Aino: Yuko Nakanishi From The stage production Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Super Live will premiere in London, February 2025. (C) Naoko Takeuchi/PNP/“Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon” The Super Live Production Committee 2025
Queen Beryl: Mayu Rotsume
Queen Beryl: Mayu Rotsume From The stage production Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Super Live will premiere in London, February 2025. (C) Naoko Takeuchi/PNP/“Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon” The Super Live Production Committee 2025
Tuxedo Mask/Mamoru Chiba: Sufa
Tuxedo Mask/Mamoru Chiba: Sufa From The stage production Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Super Live will premiere in London, February 2025. (C) Naoko Takeuchi/PNP/“Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon” The Super Live Production Committee 2025
The ensemble, referred to as Dark Performers, includes a talented group of dancers and performers such as Shiho Ota, Norip, and Miki Furusawa.
A Global Sensation
Originally premiering in Tokyo in 2018, The Super Live has garnered international acclaim with performances in Paris, New York, Washington D.C., and Taipei. This marks the next major step for the production as it makes its London debut, bringing its unique combination of storytelling and spectacle to new audiences.