[New Anime] TV Anime 'Haigakura' Main PV Released
"Haigakura," an anime adaptation of the popular manga series by Shinobu Takayama, known for works like "Amatsuki" and "Kashoku no Shiro," which has surpassed 1.3 million copies sold (including digital versions), has released its main promotional video.
The story is set in the country of Goshinzan, where countless deities, known as the Eight Million Gods, reside. It follows the adventures of the "Kashikan" (Singing Officer), who are tasked with bringing back the gods who have fled due to calamities.
The protagonist, the Kashikan named Ichiyou, is voiced by Takao Otsuka, with Kaito Ishikawa voicing Tenkou and Lynn voicing Hakushurin.
"Let’s go find you and me. With a family in captivity and a lost past— To reclaim what’s important, the battle of the Kashikan Ichiyou and his divine companion Tenkou begins!"
The TV anime "Haigakura" will start airing in October 2024 on TOKYO MX, Sun TV, BS Asahi, and other networks.
Source : PR TIMES