Frieren: Beyond Journey's End – Voice Actors, Cast, Character, Theme Song, and Story
Key visual for "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" (C) Kanehito Yamada, Abetsukasa/Shogakukan/"Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" Production Committee
"Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" a manga by Kanehito Yamada (story) and Tsukasa Abe (art), is currently serialized in "Weekly Shonen Sunday" (Shogakukan). The story unfolds in a world after the Demon King has been defeated by a hero and his party, focusing on Frieren, a mage who has lived for over a thousand years and the new people she meets on her journey. The series has surpassed 10 million copies in circulation and has stirred up a storm among manga fans, winning the Grand Prize at the "Manga Taisho 2021" and the New Creator Prize at the "25th Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize." The highly acclaimed work is now set for a TV anime adaptation!
Frieren, a mage who, after a decade-long adventure with the hero Himmel, defeated the Demon King and brought peace to the world. As an elf who has lived for over a thousand years, she promised to reunite with Himmel and set out on a solo journey. Fifty years later, Frieren visits Himmel only to find that while she remains unchanged, Himmel has aged and his life is nearing its end. Witnessing Himmel's death, Frieren, who realizes she had never truly "known" people, regrets her past detachment and sets out on a journey "to know people." Along her path, she encounters various people and experiences a range of events—each shaping her journey and understanding of life.
フリーレン (Frieren)
Voice Actor:種崎敦美 (Atsumi Tanezaki)
Frieren, an elf mage who journeyed with the hero Himmel to defeat the Demon King, has a longer lifespan than humans. Fifty years after their victory, she reunites with Himmel to watch a meteor shower, which prompts her to start a journey to understand humans after his subsequent death. Twenty years later, she reunites with Hiter, the cleric of their hero party. While working on Hiter's request, she begins teaching magic to Fern, a war orphan living with Hiter. After Hiter's death, Frieren takes Fern as her apprentice and continues her adventures with him.
Frieren("Frieren: Beyond Journey's End")(C) Kanehito Yamada, Abetsukasa/Shogakukan/"Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" Production Committee
フェルン (Fern)
Voice Actor:市ノ瀬加那 (Kana Ichinose)
Fern is a young mage and a war orphan from the southern countries who was about to end her own life when she was saved by Hiter, who then raised her. When Frieren, tasked with deciphering a spellbook by Hiter, moved in with them, Fern learned magic from her and grew to a proficient level. She possesses exceptional magical control skills. After Hiter's death, Fern sets out on a journey with Frieren. Due to her calm and responsible nature, she often acts like a mother to the more carefree Frieren, especially in everyday life.
Fern("Frieren: Beyond Journey's End")(C) Kanehito Yamada, Abetsukasa/Shogakukan/"Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" Production Committee
シュタルク (Stark)
Voice Actor:小林千晃 (Chiaki Kobayashi)
Stark is a disciple of Eisen, who was once a warrior in Himmel's Hero Party. He has a timid nature, having fled alone when his hometown was attacked by demons and fearing combat with them. After a falling out with Eisen, he lived in a village along the Riegel Gorge for three years. Upon meeting Frieren and others, Schtaulk made a resolve and displayed his combat prowess by defeating a dragon on his own, despite his inherent fearfulness.
Stark("Frieren: Beyond Journey's End,")(C) Kanehito Yamada, Abetsukasa/Shogakukan/"Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" Production Committee
ザイン (Sein)
Voice Actor:中村悠一 (Yuichi Nakamura)
Sein is a cleric from a village near the Alto Forest in the northern countries. He was rescued by Frieren using a "magic to extract from the Bottomless Swamp" when he became stuck there. Sein, a naturally talented cleric, has swiftly cured poisons that his brother deemed incurable. However, he has some unclerical habits like skipping work to gamble and smoking. As a child, Sein dreamed of becoming an adventurer and went on small adventures with his best friend, the warrior Gorilla. As an adult, he gave up on adventuring, and he and Gorilla drifted apart. Persuaded by Frieren, Sein decided to embark on an adventure and joined Frieren's group to find Gorilla, who had not returned to the village.
Sein("Frieren: Beyond Journey's End")(C) Kanehito Yamada, Abetsukasa/Shogakukan/"Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" Production Committee
ヒンメル (Himmel)
Voice Actor:岡本信彦 (Nobuhiko Okamoto)
Himmel was one of those who defeated the Demon King. He adventured with a party that included the cleric Hiter, the warrior Eisen, and the mage Frieren. Known for his empathetic nature, he couldn't resist helping those in trouble and was a self-proclaimed handsome narcissist. He harbored feelings for Frieren that went beyond mere friendship.
Himmel("Frieren: Beyond Journey's End")(C) Kanehito Yamada, Abetsukasa/Shogakukan/"Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" Production Committee
CAST(Character : Voice Actor)
In addition to the English notation, kanji characters and their readings in Japanese are listed.
フリーレン (Frieren): 種崎敦美 (Atsumi Tanezaki)
フェルン (Fern): 市ノ瀬加那 (Kana Ichinose)
シュタルク (Stark): 小林千晃 (Chiaki Kobayashi)
ヒンメル (Himmel): 岡本信彦 (Nobuhiko Okamoto)
ハイター (Hiter): 東地宏樹 (Hiroki Touchi)
アイゼン (Eisen): 上田燿司 (Yoji Ueda)
クヴァール (Qual): 安元洋貴 (Hiroki Yasumoto)
フランメ (Flamme): 田中敦子 (Atsuko Tanaka)
アウラ (Aura): 竹達彩奈 (Ayana Taketatsu)
リュグナー (Lugner): 諏訪部順一 (Junichi Suwabe)
リーニエ (Liniee): 石見舞菜香 (Manaka Iwami)
ドラート (Draht): 大鈴功起 (Koki Osuzu)
グラナト伯爵 (Count Granat): 咲野俊介 (Shunsuke Sakuya)
クラフト (Kraft): 子安武人 (Takehito Koyasu)
シュトルツ (Stoltz): 江口拓也 (Takuya Eguchi)
剣の里の里長 (Village Chief of Sword Village): 小原好美 (Konomi Kohara)
ザイン (Sein): 中村悠一 (Yuichi Nakamura)
ザインの兄 (Sein's Brother): 平川大輔 (Daisuke Hirakawa)
カンネ (Kanne): 和氣あず未 (Azumi Waki)
ラヴィーネ (Lawine): 鈴代紗弓 (Sayumi Suzushiro)
ヴィアベル (Wirbell): 谷山紀章 (Kishou Taniyama)
ユーベル (Ubel): 長谷川育美 (Ikumi Hasegawa)
デンケン (Denken): 斉藤次郎 (Jiro Saito)
ラント (Land): 小松昌平 (Shohei Komatsu)
リヒター (Richter): 花輪英司 (Eiji Hanawa)
ラオフェン (Laufen): 石上静香 (Shizuka Ishigami)
エーレ (Ehre): 伊藤かな恵 (Kanae Ito)
ゼンゼ (Sense): 照井春佳 (Haruka Terui)
ゲナウ (Genau): 新垣樽助 (Tarusuke Shingaki)
シャルフ (Scharf): 村井雄治 (Yuji Murai)
エーデル (Edel): 黒沢ともよ (Tomoyo Kurosawa)
ゼーリエ (Serie): 伊瀬茉莉也 (Mariya Ise)
Theme Songs
Opening theme
【1st season】 "The Brave" by YOASOBI
【2nd season】 "Anytime Anywhere" by milet
Ending theme
【1st season】 "Haru (Sunny)" by Yorushika
【2nd season】 "Anytime Anywhere" by milet
【Author】 山田鐘人・アベツカサ (Shogun Yamada & Tsukasa Abe) - 小学館「週刊少年サンデー」連載 (Serialized in Shogakukan's Weekly Shonen Sunday)
【Director】 斎藤圭一郎 (Keiichiro Saito)
【Series Composition】 鈴木智尋 (Tomohiro Suzuki)
【Character Design & Chief Animation Director】 長澤礼子 (Reiko Nagasawa)
【Concept Art】 吉岡誠子 (Seiko Yoshioka)
【Monster Design】 原科大樹 (Daiki Harashina)
【Action Director】 岩澤亨 (Toru Iwazawa)
【Design Works】 簑島綾香 (Ayaka Minoshima), 山﨑絵美 (Emi Yamazaki), とだま。(Todama.), 長坂慶太 (Keita Nagasaka), 亀澤蘭 (Ran Kamezawa), 松村佳子 (Yoshiko Matsumura), 高瀬丸 (Takasemaru)
【Art Director】 高木佐和子 (Sawako Takagi)
【Art Settings】 杉山晋史 (Shinji Sugiyama)
【Color Design】 大野春恵 (Harue Ohno)
【3DCG Director】 廣住茂徳 (Shigenori Hirozumi)
【Director of Photography】 伏原あかね (Akane Fushihara)
【Editor】 木村佳史子 (Kashiko Kimura)
【Sound Director】 はたしょう二 (Shōji Hata)
【Music)】 Evan Call
【Theme Songs】
Opening Theme: YOASOBI「勇者」 ( "The Brave" by YOASOBI )
(Ending Theme: milet「Anytime Anywhere」 ("Anytime Anywhere" by milet )
Opening Theme: ヨルシカ「晴る」 ("Haru" by Yorushika )
Ending Theme: milet「Anytime Anywhere」 ("Anytime Anywhere" by milet )
【Animation Production】 マッドハウス (Madhouse)
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Stark and Fern:"Frieren: Beyond Journey's End"© Shima Yamada, Tsukasa Abe / Shogakukan / "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" Production Committee
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Frieren and Voll:© Shima Yamada, Tsukasa Abe / Shogakukan / "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" Production Committee
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