Hayao Miyazaki's 'My Neighbor Totoro' is a "Heartwarming Film Filled with Happiness" - 'Kinro' Official X Explains the Meaning Behind the End Credits
The official X (formerly Twitter) of Nippon TV's 'Friday Roadshow' was updated on the 23rd, providing information related to the broadcast of 'My Neighbor Totoro' on the same day. (In Japan, Studio Ghibli films are strategically broadcast on TV, gaining immense popularity. For instance, when 'Castle in the Sky' airs, the phrase "Balus" always trends worldwide on X.)
On X, it was shared: "The end credits depict what happens to Satsuki and Mei afterward. Their mother safely returns home from the hospital, and Mei, though still a little spoiled, begins to look after the younger children. Satsuki, relieved from her role as the 'mother' of the family, regains her childlike innocence." They continued, "When creating this film, Director Hayao Miyazaki expressed the following sentiment."
In Miyazaki's words, "What I aim for with '#MyNeighborTotoro' is a heartwarming film filled with happiness. (Excerpt) Lovers will grow fonder of each other, parents will nostalgically remember their own childhood, and children will be inspired to explore behind the shrine or climb trees in hopes of meeting Totoro. This is the kind of movie I wanted to create." The post also called out, "The director's feelings are imbued not only in the main story but even in the ending! Haven't you also felt the urge to go out searching for Totoro with your family or friends tomorrow? '#MyNeighborTotoro' is truly a masterpiece fantasy that can be enjoyed by both adults and children alike, making it a timeless classic."
This film is one of Director Miyazaki's masterpieces. It is a quintessential Japanese animation that tells the story of Satsuki and Mei, two sisters who move to the countryside and encounter the mysterious creature Totoro.
Satsuki, a sixth-grader, and her four-year-old sister Mei are very close. They move to the countryside with their father to a dilapidated house with a large camphor tree nearby, as their mother, who is ill, is soon to be discharged from the hospital. Upon arrival, Satsuki and Mei discover small, pitch-black creatures called "Makkuro Kurosuke" hiding in their home. They also encounter the mysterious creature "Totoro," who lives in the forest, and the swiftly running Catbus.
— アンク@金曜ロードショー公式 (@kinro_ntv) August 23, 2024
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